Discover Disney and Pixar's Lightyear. Stranded on an uncharted planet, Buzz Lightyear and his crewmates will need to battle hostile plants, giant bugs and the ultimate threat, Zurg, to complete their mission and return home. This high-quality, posable action figure of Izzy Hawthorne in her Jr. Zap Patrol suit showcases the aspiring Space Ranger character. At 12cm tall, this movie-authentic detailed figure has 12 movable joints to recreate all her signature poses. She comes with a ZAP Super Stinger accessory to help her fight the aggressive bugs on the hostile planet of T'Kani Prime. Other characters and vehicles are also available at this scale, so fans can recreate the excitement of battle, flight and exploration and create dramatic Lightyear displays. Each figure and vehicle sold separately, subject to availability. Colours, dimensions and decorations may vary.